Holbrook Travel was invited to participate in a 3-day event to kickoff the new government initiative to promote birdwatching in Colombia. The first day was an impressive conference that brought together leaders from government, industry, tourism, and conservation. One of the outspoken proponents of...
Great Green Macaw, Red-legged Honeycreeper, Golden-hooded Tanager...the birds of Costa Rica are just as colorful as their names suggest. At our very own Selva Verde Lodge & Rainforest Reserve in the Caribbean lowlands, birders will find a hotspot of activity; 500 acres of protected primary and...
Holbrook Travel is excited to be selected by National Audubon Society to help support bird-based tourism in key areas along the flyways for migratory and local species. Under the international alliances program, we are offering a series of specially designed birding trips. These trips provide an...
Jon Morrison of Friends of the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge and Stephanie Kowacz, Holbrook's Chief Operating Officer, recently traveled to Queensland, Australia to familiarize themselves with the birding opportunities and natural wonders the area has to offer. Jon gave us a glimpse...
Belize offers a wide range of birding opportunities for professionals, enthusiasts and beginners alike. Tim Schreckengost pulled out his camera on a trip in Belize to capture a number of birds in their natural habitats. Owl Orange-breasted Falcon Yellow-bellied Elaenia Yellow-facted Grassquit...
Isla Magdalena can feel a little crowded at first - when you disembark from the ferry, you are immediately surrounded by throngs of penguins shuffling about and honking. This small island (210 acres) situated in the middle of the Straits of Magellan is home to roughly 120,000 Magellanic Penguins...
Rick Greenspun recently returned from leading a birding group into the beauty of Costa Rica's natural wonders. Here are photos of just a few of the species they spotted, shared by traveler Sandy Sorkin from the field. Enjoy! Amazon Kingfisher (Chloroceryle amazona) Bat Falcon (Falco...
The San Diego Audubon Society is wrapping up their birding in Patagonia program. Trip leader Karen Straus shared these highlights from the field. Enjoy! "San Diego Audubon's Patagonia trip begins!" "San Diego Audubon had a wonderful but sleep-deprived day of birding and touring Santiago, Chile...
Driving between the seaside village of Húsavik and the farm country of Gauksmýri, our birding guide unexpectedly pulled the van off the road and our group was able to witness a magical moment as mechanical horsepower gave right-of-way to live horsepower crossing the bridge. The highlight of our...
This weekend, October 10-11, is the annual Big Sit! birding event. This international event is hosted by Bird Watcher’s Digest and it was founded by the New Haven (Connecticut) Bird Club. The event, which is non-competitive and purely for fun, is free and open to any person in any country. To...
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s competitive birding team, Team Sapsucker, is going big this year with their Global Big Day event. On May 9, Team Sapsucker will partake in a 24-hour birding marathon in Panama. The team is inviting birders around the world to join them in Global Big Day by raising...
There are three species of puffin in the genus Fratercula, family Alcidae, and they all share certain characteristics — small and stocky bodies, black and white plumage, large bills, and orange-red feet. It’s easy to confuse these adorable birds at first glance, but if you look carefully for a few...