Entry & Exit Requirements
U.S. citizens must have a valid passport to enter South Africa. Passports must be valid for at least 30 days after the date of departure from South Africa. As this requirement is subject to change at any time without notice, we recommend at least 6 months' validity.
A tourist visa is not required for visits up to 90 days.
South African law requires travelers to have two consecutive, fully blank visa pages in their passport upon arrival into South Africa. Travelers without the required blank visa pages will be refused entry into South Africa, fined, and deported at their own expense.
If you are not traveling with a U.S. passport, please check with the South African Embassy for the requirements based on your nationality.
Health Information
The Centers for Disease Control recommends that all travelers be up to date on routine vaccinations such as measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccine, varicella (chicken pox) vaccine, and your yearly flu shot before every trip.
There are no vaccinations required for entry into South Africa, unless you are traveling from a country where yellow fever transmission is a risk (including spending 12 or more hours in an airport located in a country with yellow fever transmission).
Though not required, the CDC recommends vaccination against hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and typhoid for most unvaccinated travelers to South Africa.
Please consult your physician for additional information and recommendations based on your individual circumstances.
The CDC warns that travelers to certain areas of South Africa—particularly in the low-altitude areas of Mpumalanga Province (including Kruger National Park), Limpopo Province, and north-eastern KwaZulu-Natal Province—may be at risk for exposure to malaria. Risk is highest from October through May.
Malaria is caused by a parasite found in Anopheles mosquitos, which are active from dusk until dawn. Prevention is twofold: the use of anti-malarial drugs and the prevention of insect bites. To protect against insect bites, cover exposed skin with lightweight, long-sleeved shirts and pants, consider treating clothes with permethrin, and use an insect repellent containing an active ingredient like DEET or picaridin. Apply sunscreen first, followed by the repellent (preferably 20 minutes later). If your itinerary includes areas where malaria is present and you choose to use an anti-malarial drug, as recommended by the CDC, see your physician for a prescription.
In addition to malaria, the CDC advises that travelers may be at risk for other illnesses transmitted by insects, such as chikungunya, African tick-bite fever, and others. Travelers are advised to protect themselves against insect bites using the measures noted above.
After spending time outdoors in grassy or wooded areas, the CDC recommends showering and conducting a full-body check for ticks. If you find a tick attached to your skin, safely remove it as soon as possible.
Follow all instructions from your guides regarding wildlife. Animals may become aggressive to protect themselves, their young or their mates, or to guard a food supply. Do not make sudden movements either toward or away from them, as this may be interpreted as threatening or territorial.
Avoid stray dogs, as they may carry rabies. In the unlikely event of being bitten or scratched by a dog or other mammal, clean the wound and control bleeding. Seek medical attention immediately.
The effects of the sun can be damaging to the eyes and skin. Spending time outdoors exposes you to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, even on cloudy days. To protect yourself from the sun, use a broad spectrum sunscreen of at least SPF 15, protect skin with clothing, wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses, and drink plenty of fluids.
Respiratory Illness Protocols
Please review our Respiratory Illness Protocols page, which explains our policy and procedures if you or another traveler should develop symptoms of a respiratory illness during your trip. Your participation in a Holbrook Travel program indicates that you are in agreement with these protocols.